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CTN Comedy - Trem Tae 1 Neaty Sos Pdey Khnom (27 Dec 2014)

CTN Comedy Reatrey Kamsan 27 December 2014
Title: Trem Tae 1 Neaty Sos Pdey Khnhom
Group: Peakmi | Direct by: Lokta Vector

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M Production CD Vol 67

M Production CD Vol 67
Album : Het Avey
Artist : Kelli, Ludy, Cheko

01. Chob Reu Bon Tor Bong Nov Tae Jea Songsa Oun - Kelli [Get It Here]
02. Min Ton Baek Tae Mean Arom Tha Jong Kbot - Cheko [Get It Here]
03. Tek Pneak Os Dom Lai - Ludy [Get It Here]
04. Rol Tngai Bong Jat Tuk Oun Jea Avie - Kelli [Get It Here]
05. I Am Sorry My Baby - Cheko [Get It Here]
06. Het Avey Nov Nek Mnus Kohok - Kelli [Get It Here]
07. Chit Bong - Ludy [Get It Here]
08. Songsa Derm Songsa Jung - Cheko [Get It Here]
09. Besdoung Thleay Cheam - Ludy [Get It Here]
10. Peak Soniya - Kelli [Get It Here]

Town CD Vol 63

Town CD Vol 63
Album : Ke Chea Dara La Bey
Artist : Khem, Seth, Anny

01. Ke Chea Dara La Bey - Khem [Get It Here]
02. Oun Sart Bong Pibak Take Care - Seth [Get It Here]
03. Oun Kmean Pheap Khla Han Bek Pi Bong - Anny [Get It Here]
04. Pu Moto Dub - Khem [Get It Here]
05. Bong Brae Kay Hey - Seth [Get It Here]
06. Srolanh Mnus Khos Khnhom Sday Krouy Cheang Ke - Anny [Get It Here]
07. Propun Khnhom Yum Nek Songsa - Khem [Get It Here]
08. Thleak Bak Dub - Seth [Get It Here]
09. Khos Te Del Yum Prous Bong - Anny [Get It Here]
10. Sarapheap Krouy Ke - Khem [Get It Here]

RHM CD Vol 520

HM CD Vol 520
Ablun : Kmean Neang Kor Yerng Bek Knea
Artist : Zono

01. Kmean Neang Kor Yerng Bek Knea [Get It Here]
02. Care Neang [Get It Here]
03. I Love Khmer Girl [Get It Here]
04. Pamak Kon Reab Ka Hey [Get It Here]
05. Kom Sa Ob Bros Phnom Penh [Get It Here]
06. Mit Khnhom Dek Louk Rohout [Get It Here]
07. Bong Nek Nas [Get It Here]
08. Arom Team Tea [Get It Here]
09. Anit Mnus Smos [Get It Here]
10. Jivit Keu Ka Tor Suu [Get It Here]
11. Ort Kvol [Get It Here]

RHM CD Vol 519 (Os Chit Reu Os Tmor)

RHM CD Vol 519
Album : Os Chit Reu Os Tmor
Artist : Kanah, Rotha, Viza

01. Os Chit Reu Os Tmor - Kanha [Get It Here]
02. Tous Bong Chit Akrok Kor Oun Srolanh - Viza [Get It Here]
03. Srolanh Tic Tic Kor Cheu Jab Doch Knea - Rotha [Get It Here]
04. Turosab Bong Os Luy Reu Oun Os Domlai - Viza [Get It Here]
05. Tlob Mneak Nis Te - Rotha [Get It Here]
06. Mnus Mneak Nis Khos Ler Neak Na - Kanha [Get It Here]
07. Songsa Khnhom Klay Jea Songsa Ke - Viza [Get It Here]
08. Kom Bek Ban Te - Rotha [Get It Here]
09. Konlaeng Jas - Viza [Get It Here]

Diamond Music CD Vol 20

Diamond Music CD Vol 20
Abum : Bek Pi Ke Tov Bong Tinh iPhone Oy Mouy
Artist : Helen, Alis, Noona, Kito

01. Bek Pi Ke Tov Bong Tinh iPhone Oy Mouy - Helen [Get It Here]
02. Tek Pneak Oun Hoo Tam Tek Pneak Bong - Alis [Get It Here]
03. Komlors Smos Snea - Kito [Get It Here]
04. Srolanh Pek Ke Kbort Barom Pek Ke Thunh - Noona [Get It Here]
05. Baby Robos Oun Keu Songsa Jas Bong - Helen [Get It Here]
06. Yum Komdor Vipadisary - Alis [Get It Here]
07. 2000 Chnam Teat Jam Srolanh Knea - Helen [Get It Here]
08. Bot Jomreang Komsot Jreang Mun Pel Bek - Alis [Get It Here]
09. Der Jenh Pi Oun Tang Tek Pneak Hoo - Helen [Get It Here]
10. Bye Bye - Honey - Noona [Get It Here]

Diamond Music CD Vol 19 (Sweet Love)

Diamond Music CD Vol 19
Album : Sweet Love
Artist : Sokrit, Phealing, Helen

01. Sweet Love - Sokrit [Get It Here]
02. Brab Trojeak Chveng Tlous Trojeak Sdam - Phealing [Get It Here]
03. Laeng Jong Ros Nov Ler Louk Nis - Helen [Get It Here]
04. Darling Darling - Phealing [Get It Here]
05. Srolanh Bek Kmean Het Phol - Sokrit [Get It Here]
06. Therb Rob Thot - Helen [Get It Here]
07. Kiss Me From Your Heart - Phealing [Get It Here]
08. Songsa 100 - Sokrit [Get It Here]
09. Vaen Ta Ery Ke Tov Joul Yerng Hey - Helen [Get It Here]
10. Mex Jong Sleak Khlei - Sokrit [Get It Here]

Town VCD Vol 47

Town VCD Karaoke Vol 47
Album : Style Loy Mouy Jorb
Artist : Sokun Nisa, Sokun Therayu, Anny Zam
File Type : DAT

01. Style Loy Mouy Jorb - Anny [Get It Here]
02. Tek Pneak Tevada - Nisa [Get It Here]
03. Jong Brab Tha Nek Oun Klang Nas - Rayu [Get It Here]
04. Bong Min Songha - Khem [Get It Here]
05. Anit Min Srolanh - Nisa [Get It Here]
06. Ta Srolanh Yey - Anny [Get It Here]
07. Saen Sro Nors - Khem [Get It Here]
08. Ka Trit Meas Bong - Narin [Get It Here]
09. Songsa Khnhom Smos Tae Srey Neak Mean - Anny [Get It Here]
10. Baby Girl - Rayu [Get It Here]

Sunday VCD Vol 153

Sunday VCD Karaoke Vol 153
Album Bros Smos Muk Mex
Artist : Sok Pisey, Khan Jame, Eno, Hong Oudom Many, Eva
File Type : DAT

01. Bors Smos Muk Yang Mex - Pisey // Get It Here
02. Kheng Reu Sa Orb Bong Ach Jay Oun Ban - Eva // Get It Here
03. Skol Oun Doch Skol Bomnul - Jame // Get It Here
04. Tous Slab Pon Marn Jeat Kor Nov Tae Srolanh Oun - Many // Get It Here
05. Yum Lech Phaen Dei Kor Min Akphei Tus Oun - Eno // Get It Here
06. Bek Oun 5Khae Oun Sa Art Jeang Mun - Eno // Get It Here
07. Srolanh Knea Min Kit Luy Te - Pisey // Get It Here
08. Sbot Min Oy Joub Mun Bong - Eva // Get It Here
09. Mok Jea Mouy Bong Tov Vinh Jea Mouy Ke - Jame // Get It Here
10. Khoch Chit Pel Sroveng - Many // Get It Here

Town CD Vol 62

Town CD Vol 62
Album : Preah Atit Tea Joub Preah Jan
Artist : Karopich, BIG, Sokun Nisa

01. Mean Vithei Avie Ban Lek Turosab Ke - Pich // Get It Here
02. Mean Vithei Avie Oy Lek Turosab Ke - Nisa // Get It Here
03. Nhae Jos Nhae Lerng Pas Songsa Jas - BIG // Get It Here
04. Srolanh Knea Sroul Sroul - Pich Ft. Nisa // Get It Here
05. Snea Pha Aem Doch Kvit - Pich Ft. Nisa Vs. BIG // Get It Here
06. Mun Bek Knea Sorng Luy Oun Sin - Nisa // Get It Here
07. Bek Knea Sin Tov Luy Jumpeak Sin - Pich // Get It Here
08. Srolanh Oun Bis Chkout - BIG // Get It Here
09. Preah Atit Tea Joub Preah Jan - Pich Ft. Nisa // Get It Here
10. Ach Koo Jea Sak Sey - Pich Ft. Nisa // Get It Here

Sunday CD Vol 185

Sunday CD Vol 185
Album : Kmean Tngai Oun Min Nek Bong
Artist : Arn Kunkola, Sok Srey Neang, DJ Yury

01. Nov Kbae Ke Kok Kdav Jeang Bong Ponna - Kola // Get It Here
02. Kmean Tngai Oun Min Nek Bong - Srey Neang // Get It Here
03. Test Mel Sin Mun Neng Srolanh - Yury // Get It Here
04. Thunh Te - Yury // Get It Here
05. Srolanh Oun Cheu Jab Rohout - Kola // Get It Here
06. Nov Kbae Mnus Kbort Yu Tov Oun Chlong Tam - Kola // Get It Here
07. Sday Krouy Del Oun Jrers Rers Yok Bong - Srey Neang // Get It Here
08. Songsa Knhom Dragola - Yury // Get It Here
09. I Love You - Yury // Get It Here
10. Kom Brab Tha Oun Mean Tmey // Get It Here

Phleng Records VCD Vol 14

Phleng Records VCD Karaoke Vol 14
Album : Snea Kbae Pteas
Artist : Manith, Vanilla, Ema, Sophalaen


01. Snea Jit Pteas - Manith [Get It Here]
02. Snea Jit Pteas - Vanilla [Get It Here]
03. Ham Srolanh - Manith [Get It Here]
04. Ham Chit Srolanh Min Ban - Sophalaen [Get It Here]
05. Pel Oun Sroveng Kur Oy Srolanh - Manith [Get It Here]
06. Pel Sroveng Nek Songsa Jas - Ema [Get It Here]
07. Mnus Rouk Chit - Manith [Get It Here]
08. Mnus Rouk Chit - Sophalaen [Get It Here]

Phleng Records VCD Vol 13

Phleng Records VCD Karaoke Vol 13
Album : Sneha Smer Soun
Artist : Vanilla, Seth, Sophalaen, Manith
File Type : DAT

01. Sneha Smer Soun - Seth [Get It Here]
02. Up And Down - Manith [Get It Here]
03. Srolanh Khnhom Man - Vanilla [Get It Here]
04. Darling Oun - Sophalaen [Get It Here]
05. Honey Khoch Khoch - Vanilla [Get It Here]
06. Tver Tam Jongvak Besdoung - Seth [Get It Here]
07. Rom Dors Chit - Manith [Get It Here]
08. Stop Feeling Up And Down - Sophalaen [Get It Here]

Phleng Records VCD Vol 12

Phleng Records VCD Karaoke Vol 12
Album : Jeat Krouy
Artist : Manith, Vanilla, Seth, Sophalaen, Prema
File Type : DAT


01. Besdoung Oun Tuk Nov Bong - Vanilla [Get It Here]
02. Jeat Krouy - Seth Ft. Vanilla [Get It Here]
03. Min Ach Ros Kmean Oun - Seth [Get It Here]
04. Snea Pit Min Kit Calory - Manith [Get It Here]
05. Huala Huala - Vanilla [Get It Here]
06. Pel Del Jak Jenh - Sophalaen [Get It Here]
07. Don't Go - Prema [Get It Here]
08. Min Soniya Min Yum - Sophalaen [Get It Here]
Get It All 

[Comedy] Kom Klach (Fri 26,12,2014)

File Size: 167MB

Etherlords MOD APK+DATA (Unlimited Money)

Incredibly addictive gameplay, absolutely breathtaking experience, epic 3D battles and totally awesome creatures – get ready to go! Collect and fuse creatures and fight for your world or conquer others’!
Look what else we’ve got:
Create entire worlds and feed them to your creatures!
Entire worlds are dying after the Cataclysm. Discover their secrets to learn the truth about what really had happened!
Beat your opponent in just 60 sec – faster than making a cup of coffee!
Battle your opponents on the Arena to climb your way to the top! The more wins you score, the better prizes you’ll get!
Participate in daily Events and earn sweet rewards: Ether, consumables and even Legendary creatures!
More than 180 mighty creatures and monsters from Wolves to Dragons, Witchdoctor to Scorpion King and even Colossus! Find them all, rule them all!
Extremely deep strategy game with very simple controls! You can do it anywhere, you can play it on the move!
No need for constant connection to play. No more interruptions! Get ready for action and enjoy PvE and PvP even when you are offline!
Forget about stamina to replenish or buildings to construct. Fight enemies anytime you want!
Requires Android: 4.2 and Up
Download Links:
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.

Sky Gamblers Storm Raiders APK+DATA

THIS IS THE ULTIMATE WWII AIR COMBAT GAME! You’ll participate in visceral dogfights, protect
cities and fleets, bomb enemy structures and even fly through tunnels. Everything is set up in accurately
recreated real life locations like Pearl Harbor, Coast of Dover, Midway, Germany and France.
Unparalleled visuals, special effects and audio including: specular masks, bump mapping, atmospheric
scattering, volumetric clouds with realistic lighting, sun glare, day & night transitions, God rays, high
definition textures, 4x anisotropic filtering, High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering, radial blur, heat haze,
refractive raindrops and more!
Take off and land on landing strips and carriers. You will fly in fully recreated cities with realistic
weather, accurate atmospheric scattering with aerial perspective and highly detailed planes with
interactive cockpits.
Fly highly detailed WWII top aces planes. Watch the progressive damage affecting planes and finally
being shredded into pieces.
Invite your friends to play online! Choose between cooperative and competitive modes: Survival, Last
Man Standing, Free Flight, Free for All, Team Match, Capture the Flag and the new Assault.
Requires Android: 4.1 and Up
Version: 1.0.0
Download Links:
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.

The World II Hunting BOSS 1.2 APK+DATA

What’s New: v 1.2
We made the following changes according to players’ suggestions:
1. A new BOSS is added to tasks of class C and B.
2. Adjusted the joystick’s operation.
3. Adjusted all camera lenses.
4. Delayed music fixed.
5. Optmized performance.
6. Added 13 more languages.
The mmo version is coming in the future!
Pay to win a game doesn’t always sound exiciting and meaningful, now here is a game that is all about slaying giant monsters, earn bounties, and perform some stylish moves. It is all up to you and your team to decide what to do next!
At the beginning you may have only 1 hero to choose from with limited resources. As you explore around the biggest city of Teros, you can develop the team by having heroes strike against the biggest monsters of the land, earn yourself some fames and money from doing good deeds to the land, or just fill up your wallet from some casual works. The more you build up, the more heroes will lend their strength to you, increasing the strength of your team to help your heroes for the upcoming epic battles.
Players have the chance to fight against the most dreadful, fiercest, and gigantic bosses from the moment they enter the game, surrounded by a destructible 3D environment. Fighting mobs is not always an interesting experience and can be sometimes annoying, players can face off threateningmonsters right away!
Can you feel the breath of the enemies? Do you meet up the expectations? Can you become the greatest hero?
Play to find out!
Requires Android: 2.3.3 and Up
Version: 1.2
Download Links:
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.

Knights of the Old Republic APK+DATA

Choose Your Path!
It is four thousand years before the Galactic Empire and hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith. You are the last hope of the Jedi Order. Can you master the awesome power of the Force on your quest to save the Republic? Or will you fall to the lure of the dark side? Hero or villain, savior or conqueror… you alone will determine the destiny of the entire galaxy!
Game Features:
• An epic Star Wars™ role-playing experience with unique characters, creatures, vehicles and planets.
• Learn to use the Force with over 40 different powers, plus build your own Lightsaber.
• Adventure through iconic Star Wars locations, including Tatooine and the Wookiee homeworld Kashyyyk.
• Choose your party from nine customizable characters, including Twi’leks, Droids and Wookiees.
• Travel to eight enormous worlds in your own starship, the Ebon Hawk.
• A streamlined user interface custom-made for the touch screen helps immerse you in the action.
• Full HID controller support for those gamers that prefer the original control scheme.
• For the first time, KOTOR has achievements!
Requires Android: 4.1 and Up
Version: 1.0
Download Links:
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.
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