Hang Meas VCD Karaoke Vol 147
Album Title: Besdoung Aek Ka
Album Artists: Zono, Pich Sophea, Aok Sokunkanha, Sok Cylalin
Release: 25/August/2014
File Type : DAT
Album Title: Besdoung Aek Ka
Album Artists: Zono, Pich Sophea, Aok Sokunkanha, Sok Cylalin
Release: 25/August/2014
File Type : DAT
01. Besdoung Aek Ka - Kanha [Get It Here]
02. Be The Last To Know - Sophead [Get It Here]
03. Ov Ery Mae Ery Khnhom Srolanh Kon Neak Mean - Zono [Get It Here]
04. Snea Pit Mean Nov Knoung Pheapyun - Lalin [Get It Here]
05. We Dance Tonight - Sophea [Get It Here]
06. Tol Tae Khernh Ke Therb Oun Terb Bong Chob Srolanh - Zono [Get It Here]
07. Neak Del Bos Borng Ke Kor Cheu Jab - Kanha [Get It Here]
08. Oun Jumpeak Bong Jrern Nas - Lalin [Get It Here]
09. Mnus Srey Baeb Na Terb Som Neng Bong - Sophea [Get It Here]
10. Bong Tov Na Tov Tov Ton Oun Nov Cheu Tic Tic - Kanha [Get It Here]
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